Cornwall Live's big fat quiz of the week

Can you remember what was making the news this week locally and nationally?

Find out in our quiz

This week, Cornwall Councillor David Harris said he'd knock down the new County Hall and replace it with what?

This week, the Prime Minister vows to curb rip-off what?

A Cornish developer has been accused of carrying on with a housing project without planning permission, for which Cornish location?

UK Inflation slid to what level this week?

It was announced this week that Cornwall’s Christmas Fair will take place where this year?

Which institution has Nigel Farage fallen out with this week?

More protests have taken place outside a Cornish train ticket office this week, but at which one?

Which international tournament opened in New Zealand this week?

Which Cornish town will no longer have a bank if Lloyds pulls out?

Parliament got its youngest MP this week after the by-elections, but who is he?

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