The MEN Weekly Pub Quiz

We've got the questions. You've got the answers. Let's get together

Q1. What country is home to Angel Falls?

Q2. Who wrote the novel "Nostromo"?

Q3. What does Popeye have tattooed on his arm?

Q4. Automatonophobia is the fear of what?

Q5. Which substance can you not eat, if you have coeliac disease?

Q6. Which planet is referred to as the planet of oceans?

Q7. Which instrument does the Leader of an orchestra play?

Q8. What Surrey town is famed for its salts?

Q9. What was Arnold Schwarzenegger's character's name in the film "Total Recall"?

Q10. What was Walt Disney afraid of?

Q11. How many white stripes are there on the American flag?

Q12. If someone is taking your axillary temperature, where have they put the thermometer?

Q13. Who said: "Love the life you live. Live the life you love"?

Q14. Where do bumblebees normally nest?

Q15. What epic poem begins "Arma virumque cano"?

Q16. What bird did Benjamin Franklin supposedly suggest replace the bald eagle as an American emblem?

Q17. Polaris is more commonly referred to as what?

Q18. Which European country has the longest coastline?

Q19. Where can you find a football stadium that straddles the equator?

Q20. How many feet do snails have?

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