What does BBC stand for?
What is the capital of Wales?
What's the name of the river that runs through Egypt?
How many times have England won the men's football World Cup?
A marathon is how many miles?
Who did Orlando Bloom play in Pirates Of The Caribbean?
What's the highest mountain in the world?
In what year did World War II end?
What is the currency of Japan?
Who has had the most UK Christmas number ones ?
Who is the lead singer of Coldplay?
What crisp brand is Gary Lineker the face of?
Who is the author of “1984”?
Who plays Del Boy Trotter in Only Fools and Horses?
In what year was the first manned moon landing?
What's the name of the Royal family's castle in Scotland?
Which of these actors has not made a cameo on Friends?
Who has won the most total Academy Awards?
What is the national flower of Wales?
What was Miley Cyrus' birth name?
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