Only Scousers can get 100% in this quiz

Think you're a true Scouser? There's only one way to find out - take the quiz!

1. What are the names of the Liver Birds?

2. Which Liverpool artist sang Ferry Cross the Mersey?

3. What does it mean if something is ‘blag’?

4. When was Liverpool European Capital of Culture?

5. How many times did The Giants’ visit Liverpool?

6. Which one of these TV presenters is from Merseyside?

7. Do you call this place THE Asda?

8. Do you know where these amazing toilets are located?

9. What was the name of the Beatles first album?

10. One of these Merseyside parks was famously an inspiration for New York’s Central Park?

11. Which of these football teams did Liverpool Fc famously beat in the dramatic 2005 Champions League Final?

12. Where in Merseyside would you find this famous sculpture?

13. Which one of these TV shows was set In Liverpool?

14. How many ‘Graces’ are on Liverpool’s waterfront?

15. This famous statue can be found at Liverpool’s Albert Dock. Do you know who it is?

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