How well do you know LGBT+ History?

Take our 10-question quiz ahead of LGBT+ History Month to find out how much you know about the rich history of the UK and global community.

Q1. Which country became the first in the world to legalise same-sex marriage in 2001?

Q2. What year did same-sex marriages become legal in England and Wales?

Q3. What colour is the ribbon that shows solidarity for people living with HIV/AIDS?

Q4. Which is the correct order of colours on the Transgender flag?

Q5. Which UK footballer became the first openly gay professional in the sport?

Q6. Who does this flag represent?

Q7. When was the term bisexual coined?

Q8. Where in the UK was the first Pride event held?

Q9. The UK charity set up to support transgender and non-binary children and young people shares its name with which mythical creature?

Q10. Finally, as of 2022, how many countries continue to criminalise homosexuality?

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