Do you have the cutest dog in the country?

Tell us your furry friend's name along with a picture, and we’ll compile a gallery of your adorable little ones and you can vote for your favourite.

Maximum file size is 5MB

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Nominee details (provided)
Your own personal details as a nominator

When you submit your pictures and comments you agree that your pictures and/or your personal data and/or comments may be used in print, online and/ or on the social pages across brands owned and published by Reach Plc and those of our affiliates. Where you provide you name and/or the town where you live or any other personal information – you agree that this personal information may be used (as above) to accompany your picture in articles across our publications. If you do not wish us to use and publish your picture, town where you live or personal data please do not provide your address or any personal information you do not wish to be published.
Please do not provide us with personal data about anyone who is under 18 who is not your child. Should you submit a photograph with children, you must be the parent or guardian of that child (anyone under 18 pictured) and where the child is over 13 years, you should also have their permission to submit the photo for publication and use. Your photo must not contain any nudity, intimate images, images of violence and must comply with our community standards. All photos must be your original work, taken by you and must not use any third-party images, products or other intellectual property. By submitting pictures, entrants agree that photos can be published, re-published, printed, re-used, displayed and distributed in print, online or on the social pages, in all forms, formats and media, for brands owned and published by Reach Plc (See our current list of brands here), now and in the future, including storage in Reach plc's editorial archive for use and re-use throughout the world on an irrevocable non-exclusive basis. Reach reserves the right to moderate any photo or content provided. Standard Reach Plc terms and conditions apply.

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