Liverpool Euro commentary quiz: Match the words to the moment

Liverpool are one of the most successful teams in European football and have played in many iconic games.

Can you match these 10 pieces of TV and radio commentary to the correct moments involving the Reds?

"Ohhh you beauty! What a hit son, what a hit!"

"Antics on the line...missed it, he's missed it!"

"Supersub...strikes again!"

"And here comes the emperor, back at Anfield."

"He can hit one, oh he can hit one. That is an absolute screamer!"

"And he goes on, and he scores! The unlikely man again."

"In towards...Gerrard! Hello, hello. Here we go."

"Oh yes! What a delighted scorer...oh what an end to a career."

"I only hope he's a great gambler..."

"Miracles do happen to Liverpool on Merseyside, and we've seen one tonight."

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