QUIZ: How financially fit is your financial future?

Take the quiz to discover your financial knowledge, how to boost your money mojo and create a more financially independent future…



Question 1: Savings

You have lost your way with savings and need to re-establish a plan. You spent all your savings on a renovation and now there is no buffer. So, you’ve decided to save three months’ worth of your salary, but you don’t seem to have anything left over each month. To kickstart the process, you know what you need to do:

Question 2: Property

You’ve always dreamt of owning your own home, and so your financial goal is to get on the property ladder. Still, saving for the deposit is taking time. Progress is slow with other expenses competing with your savings dollars. To get into the market sooner, you decide to:

Question 3: Alternative Investments

Now that you have a decent savings buffer, you’d like to start investing the money you save so that it grows faster. You have a property and some shares and have heard about things like crypto and hedge funds. So, you take $5000 and you:

Question 4: Money & Relationships

If something were to happen to your partner and you needed to step in and immediately manage all elements of your financial life, you would:

Question 5: Tax Time 2022

Every time you hear the word tax, you vomit a little. You’ve left it too long, have lost track of your expenses, and are freaking out that you’ll get a massive tax bill you can’t afford. As a next step, you decide to…

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