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Use the + to see more of the images and find out about the stylists and photographers who captured the Top 50 rooms, created by Australia's best architects and interior designers.

  1. In the frame by Bianca Fraser, The unlisted collective| Photograph by Dave Wheeler
  1. Special feature by Greg Natale, Greg Natale Design | Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Family matters by Anna Carin Mcnamara, Anna Carin Design Studio | Photograph by Justin Alexander
  1. Hidden gem by Petra Pantano, Studio Petra| Photograph by Shannon McGrath
  1. Workday hero by Fiona Dunin, FMD Architects| Photograph by Dianna Snape
  1. Look sharp by Susanna Bilardo and Alexandra Moeck, Enoki| Photograph by Jenah Piwanski
  1. Well connected by Brett Mickan, Brett Mickan Design | Photograph by Pablo Veiga
  1. Stone love by Mardi Doherty, Doherty Design studio| Photograph by Derek Swalwell
  1. Top twenties by Brooke Aitken and Delphine Hernot, Brooke Aitken Design | Photograph by Prue Ruscoe
  1. Smart contrast by Jo Lawless and Kevin Ng, Lawless and Meyerson| Photograph by Tom Ferguson
  1. In the pink by Mardi Doherty, Doherty Design studio| Photograph by Derek Swalwell
  1. Marble art by Kate McCluskey, McCluskey Studio & Matt Hainsworth, Cera Stribley| Photograph by Timothy Kaye
  1. Emerald city by Michelle Taylor, Taylor Edwards interior| Photograph by Omid Photography
  1. Clean slate by Greg Natale, Greg Natale Design | Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Tang of musturd by Greg Natale, Greg Natale Design | Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Gold standard by Mardi Doherty, Doherty Design studio| Photograph by Derek Swalwell
  1. Brave new world by Jeremy Bull, Alexander and co | Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Stroke of luxe by Greg Natale, Greg Natale Design | Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Curvy linear by Emma Buchan, EB interiors| Photograph by Pablo Veiga
  1. Sweet petite by Mikayla Rose, Heartly| Photograph by Martina Gemmola
  1. Set in stone by Warren Au, Studio Gestalt and Alexandra Mason, Studio AEM | Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Hooked on classic by Lauren Mahoney, Studio Trio| Photograph by Maree Homer
  1. Grey matter by Susanna Bilardo and Alexandra Moeck, Enoki| Photograph by Jenah Piwanski
  1. Double duty by Bianca Fraser, The unlisted collective| Photograph by Dave Wheeler
  1. White magic by Bianca Fraser, The unlisted collective| Photograph by Dave Wheeler
  1. Simplicity redefined by Kate McCluskey, McCluskey Studio & Matt Hainsworth, Cera Stribley| Photograph by Timothy Kaye
  1. Special treatment by Anne Hindley, Hindley & Co Architects| Photograph by Tatjana Pitt
  1. Awash with ideas by Lauren Mahoney, Studio Trio| Photograph by Maree Homer
  1. Out to sea by Suzanne Gorman, Studio Gorman| Photograph by Prue Ruscoe
  1. View finder by Rob Mills, Rob Mills Architecture and Interiors| Photograph by Mark Roper
  1. Warm regards by Petra Pantano, Studio Petra| Photograph by Shannon McGrath
  1. The big picture by Anna Dutton Lourie, Bower Architecture and interiors| Photograph by Emma Phillips
  1. On a mission by Katie Sargent, Katie Sargent Design | Photograph by Annette O'Brien
  1. View point by Steven Isaacs, Architecture Saville Isaacs| Photograph by Kata Bayer
  1. French evolution by Bianca Fraser, The unlisted collective| Photograph by Dave Wheeler
  1. Laid out by Louise Walsh and Kelly Taylor, Louise Walsh Interior Design| Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Here comes the sun by Warren Au, Studio Gestalt and Alexandra Mason, Studio AEM | Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Like a sunrise by Brooke Aitken and Delphine Hernot, Brooke Aitken Design | Photograph by Prue Ruscoe
  1. Richly rewarded by Chelsea Hing| Photograph by Rhiannon Taylor
  1. Teenage heaven by Antionetta Sofia, Sofia interior design| Photograph by Kate Bowman
  1. Working the lines by Eva Maree Prineas, studio prineas | Photograph by Chris Warnes
  1. Formal offer by Kate McCluskey, McCluskey Studio & Matt Hainsworth, Cera Stribley| Photograph by Timothy Kaye
  1. Go with the flow by Sally Wilson, Archea Architects| Photograph by Sam Noonan
  1. Smooth transition by Anna Carin Mcnamara, Anna Carin Design Studio | Photograph by Justin Alexander
  1. Elevated excellence by Thomas Hamel, Thomas Hamel and associates| Photograph by Anson Smart
  1. Wild side by Katie Sargent, Katie Sargent Design | Photograph by Lisa Aitkinson
  1. Heart and soul by Eva Maree Prineas, studio prineas | Photograph by Chris Warnes
  1. Tree tops by Darin Bradbury, mint pool and landscape design | Photograph by Daniel Cordon
  1. Second chances by Eva Maree Prineas, studio prineas | Photograph by Chris Warnes
  1. Flight of fancy by Greg Natale, Greg Natale Design | Photograph by Anson Smart

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Conditions apply, see Commences 25/10/21. Ends at 11:59pm on 30/11/21. AU residents. Drawn at Are Media, 54 Park Street, Sydney, NSW, 2021 at 2:30pm AEDST on 07/12/21. Prizes: 5 x winners, each receives a 12-month subscription to Australian House and Garden, valued at $105.60 each. The Promoter is Are Media Pty Limited (ABN 18 053 273 546) of 54 Park Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. Authorised under permit number: TP/00018