The Echo's Friday Night Pub Quiz

How many can you get right?

What was the original name of the sitcom Friends?

What percent of the population are left-handed?

Where is the largest forest in the UK?

Which A-list celebrity jumped into the stadium from the roof at the Olympic closing ceremony?

What is the process in which caterpillars turn into butterflies?

Which former Prime Minister was pranked with a lettuce banner at a book promotion event this week?

Which animal is known as the ‘King of the Jungle’?

Which painter is famous for cutting off part of his own ear?

Which fictional character lives at 221B Baker Street, London?

In which city would you find the Colosseum?

In the game of Monopoly, which property is the most expensive?

True or False. The Eiffel Tower grows up to 15 centimeters taller during the summer.

What is the name of the process by which a liquid turns into a gas?

How long is the shortest commercial flight in the world?

Which party leader succeeded Tony Blair as the leader of the Labour Party?

Which English county holds the annual cheese rolling event?

What is the official name for a baby goat?

What is the highest mountain in the UK?

What horror film is known for the line, "Here's Johnny"?

What was Ed Sheeran’s debut single?

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