How well do you really know Emmerdale?

Test your knowledge in our 15 question quiz

Q1. What birthday did Emmerdale celebrate in October 2022?

Q2. What was Emmerdale’s first ever big stunt?

Q3. What did the Main Street café used to be until 2011?

Q4. How many characters died in the helicopter crash in 2015?

Q5. In what year did Emmerdale ditch its former name?

Q6. How many serial killers have there been on Emmerdale?

Q7. What was Emmerdale’s largest ever on-the-night audience for an episode?

Q8. How many families have owned Home Farm since 2005?

Q9. Who are Sarah Sugden Jr’s parents?

Q10. What was the name of Eric Pollard’s first wife?

Q11. What was the show’s original title when it first aired in 1972?

Q12. How many children does Cain Dingle have?

Q13. What was the name of the soap’s original family?

Q14. Who are the current owners of The Woolpack pub?

Q15. What was the name of Samson Dingle’s late mother?

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