CBC Parents Pitch Submission

If applicable, please include links to three recent pieces that you're proud of.

Outline your story idea(s) in 400 words or less.

You are submitting this Pitch (which includes all related documents, links and information provided to CBC) for review and consideration by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ("CBC"). You must agree to these terms before CBC will review the Pitch.

• You have the right to the Pitch. You alone have the full and exclusive right or authorization to submit the Pitch to CBC and no other person or corporation has any right, title or interest in the Pitch inconsistent with your rights to develop and license the Pitch and the pitch doesn't violate any third party rights (i.e. copyright, trademarks, publicity, defamation).

• CBC has not made any promise to you about the Pitch. CBC will give the Pitch only the consideration that CBC in its sole and absolute discretion determines is appropriate and has no obligation to read or consider the Pitch or use the Pitch in any way. There is no agreement, written or oral, express or implied, between you and CBC concerning the Pitch, other than this release.

• CBC has no confidentiality obligations. CBC does not accept any obligation of confidentiality with respect to the Pitch. CBC has the right to copy, use, and distribute the Pitch for the purpose of its evaluation and review.

• CBC has no obligation to return or destroy the Pitch. CBC has no obligation to safeguard the Pitch. CBC has no obligation to return the Pitch Documents to you or to destroy the Pitch Documents and is not responsible for any loss or damage to the Pitch Documents.

• CBC may have similar materials. CBC is always working on new ideas and may already have or may in the future receive or develop programming that contains content, information or ideas that are or appear to be similar to those contained in the Pitch. You understand that CBC has the unrestricted right to exploit such ideas and programming. You hereby release CBC and waive any rights to any claim, right of action or recourse against CBC with regards to your Pitch.

We will be in touch if we are interested in your pitch. Thank you for your interest!

There are some errors that need to be corrected