How much do you know about Easter?

Take the quiz to see if you know your eggs from your bunnies!

1. Which bird lays the largest egg?

2. From which country did the Easter bunny originate?

3. Finish this famous saying: “don’t put all your eggs in one …”

4. Judy Garland and Fred Astaire starred in which 1948 springtime film?

5. In what year was Cadbury’s founded?

6. What part of the cocoa plant is chocolate made from?

7. The world’s tallest ever chocolate Easter egg was approximately how tall?

8. Approximately how many Easter eggs are sold in the UK every year?

9. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry and Ron Weasley’s dragon-sized Easter Eggs are filled with Molly Weasley’s delicious homemade what inside?

10. On what street in New York does the city’s traditional Easter parade take place?

11. Easter always falls in which two months of the year?

12. What food is traditionally eaten on Good Friday?

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