Could you pass A-level maths?

Take the quiz to find out!

1. Expand and simplify: (x−2)(x+3)= ?

2. (12x5y3)0=? for x≠0 and y≠0 

3. There are  6  blue and 9 red pens in the box. What is the least amount of pens you should randomly pick to pick a blue pen with guarantee?

4. A professor graded his students' tests. Out of 100  students, 15  got "A", 28  got "B", 40 got "C", and 17 students failed the test. What was the probability p(A) not to fail this test?

5. 16+14÷2+3⋅5−11

6. Find the highest common factor and lowest common multiple of the following two numbers 120 and 336

7. The initial term of an arithmetic progression is a1=3 and difference d=0.3. Find a11

8. Arithmetic progression is given by formula an=10−n. Find a4

9. Find 100000

10. Find 100+52−27

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