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Celebrities like Beyoncé Knowles and her sister Solange have been seen wearing the colourful and highly fashionable material called Kente cloth made in this West African country. The colours are very symbolic: the red represents the country's struggle for freedom, the yellow is for the country's wealth in minerals like gold and the green shows its lush forestry.

Flag with red, yellow and green horizontal stripes and black star.

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Located in the centre of the continent of Europe, this country is surrounded by Austria, Slovakia and Romania. It is known for being the birthplace of many world-famous pianists, orchestra conductors and opera singers. The red in this country's flag symbolizes strength, the green represents hope and the white is for faithfulness.

A flag with red, white and green horizontal stripes.

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On this flag, the green is for the beautiful fields and forests and the yellow is for the gold that can be found in this soccer-crazy South American country! Also known for its samba music and world-famous carnival, the country is divided into 27 districts and they are represented by the same number of stars on the flag.

A green flag with a yellow diamond and blue circle on it.

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The people in this country, located between Afghanistan and India, might greet you by saying either Salam (hi!) or Khush Aamdeed (Welcome!). The colours green and white together mean peace and success. The crescent moon is for progress and the star represents knowledge.

A flag divided vertically in white and green with a crescent moon and star.

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Bagels, one of the most popular food items in the world, originated in this popular European country. They are also known for pierogis — little tasty potato dumplings. It is also known for its large castles, churches, palaces and other beautiful buildings. The white on the flag stands for the hope that this country's people have for peace and the red represents their history.

Flag with top half white and bottom half red.

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This island country located in Southeast Asia is a neighbour to Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia. If you are there, expect to be treated to music played on the mandolin, guitar, ukulele and other stringed instruments in a band known as a rondalla. The white triangle on the flag represents peace. The red is for bravery. And the blue is for patriotism (loyalty and love for your country). The three gold stars and the sun are symbols of the three main areas that the country is divided into.

Flag with blue and red stripes, yellow sun and stars and white triangle.

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Known for producing world-class cricket players and lively calypso music. This tiny Caribbean country is one of the most popular places to take a vacation in the world. The blue on the flag represents the sea that surrounds the island and the yellow is for the hot tropical sun. The broken trident (fork) in the middle of the flag is a symbol of the country's independence.

Flag with blue and yellow stripes and a black trident.

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One of the most famous soccer players in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo, was born and raised in this country. Spain and Morocco are its closest neighbours. And the people who live there love to eat salt cod and grilled sardines! The colour red on the flag is a symbol of revolution (a fight for change). The green represents a famous explorer in the country's history, and the shield in the centre symbolizes the country's history of exploring the world.

Flag with red and green vertical stripes and golden crest.
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