The ECHO Friday Night Pub Quiz!

How many can you get right?

What are the ice crystals that form on outdoor surfaces in cold air?

Theophobia is the irrational fear of what?

Which animal can clean its ear with its tongue?

Ascorbic acid is commonly referred to as what?

Which language does the word "algebra" come from?

Which metal has the chemical symbol "W"?

In which organ of the human body would you find pylori?

The financial district of Wall Street is located in which American city?

Which part of a ship is the ‘port’?

Who was the Roman goddess of Peace?

The Portuguese man o’ war is a type of what?

Which city was formerly known as Saigon?

Which London square is home to Nelson's Column?

What's the name of the little boy who discovers "Where the Wild Things Are"?

Where would medieval knight wear their gauntlets?

What is the nickname of Andy's prison buddy in "The Shawshank Redemption"?

How long is a year on Jupiter compared to Earth years?

What was American actor John Wayne’s nickname?

Which rocket launched the Apollo program?

What is the first silent film to win an Oscar for Best Picture?

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