The MEN Friday Night Pub Quiz

How many can you get right?

Q1. What is the name of the lively Spanish dance in triple time and typically performed with castanets or tambourines?

Q2. Who sang the 1995 song "Boom Boom Boom"?

Q3. What is the nationality of the first woman in space?

Q4. The "Standard Model" theory applies to which branch of science?

Q5. How many years does a sesquicentennial celebrate?

Q6. When was Buckingham Palace built?

Q7. What is the most populous city in the Middle East?

Q8. Who described his most famous painting as "the Camembert of time"?

Q9. What was Walt Disney afraid of?

Q10. Majorca is the largest of which island group?

Q11. In which part of the body are your metatarsals located?

Q12. What was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage?

Q13. Ikebana is the Japanese art of what?

Q14. In the title of a 1986 song by Lionel Richie, what part of the room was he dancing on?

Q15. The loose skin hanging from the neck of a chicken is known as a what?

Q16. The music band "The Cardigans" hail from what European country?

Q17. How old was Marilyn Monroe when she died?

Q18. In what country does the Amazon River begin?

Q19. What element is given the symbol "I"?

Q20. What creature guarded the gates to the underworld?

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