The MEN Weekly Pub Quiz

If you like the Lazy Sunday Quiz, but wish it were twice as long and on a Friday, you're in luck

Q1. Which author wrote "The Sound and The Fury"?

Q2. Which Disney cartoon character's love interest is named Faline?

Q3. The Ishtar Gate was the main entrance to which ancient city?

Q4. What is said to happen if the groundhog sees his shadow?

Q5. What is liquid clay used in pottery called?

Q6. Which brewing company originally supplied yeast to produce Marmite?

Q7. What alcohol is used to make a Caipirinha?

Q8. What government agency were the "X-Files" a part of?

Q9. Which following country was NOT involved in the Wars of Three Kingdoms?

Q10. Which is the largest country in Africa by area?

Q11. What prayer is said ten times during each sequence of a Catholic rosary?

Q12. What is a scientist who specializes in soil and crops called?

Q13. How many wings does a butterfly have?

Q14. Who was the leader of China during World War II?

Q15. What tea is used typically used to make a London Fog?

Q16. Who was the first man to hit a golf ball on the moon?

Q17. Somniphobia is the fear of what?

Q18. Christmas Island is a territory belonging to which country?

Q19. Who developed the world's first vaccine?

Q20. What is known as the "Master Gland" of the human body?

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