Can you guess these Devon attractions from their TripAdvisor reviews?

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“Car parking… £10 for 1 hour?! We had no other choice but to pay it. Daylight robbery. We were taking little one for her first play in the sand, turns out she isn’t a beach babe! Otherwise we would have stayed longer. Should have gone to Wales. Waste of time - won’t visit again.

“Bit too nice. I was told by someone this building got bombed during WW2. I was therefore expecting a lot more historical exterior damage. It was disappointingly beautiful.”

“Wow! What a dump. And people think Blackpool's bad. [...] is a dirty, rough, horrible nasty dump full of drug addicts and empty buildings. Undoubtedly the worst seaside town in England. Even the harbour was grotty.”

“A laborious walk for nothing. It was an extremely bothering experience. The walk is weary and if it is a cold day you'll be frozen on site.”

“A vast expanse of sand. Can't really think of a less appealing place to visit, but then, cards on the table; I'm not really a 'beach person'.”

“Yuk. What a horrible blot on the landscape, that is not art!! I cannot understand anyone that thinks it is.”

We drive for a good hour or so to visit and to be totally honest it was a huge disappointment. The castle (if you can honestly call it that?) felt void, big vacant, lifeless rooms. It felt like walking through the home of some posh person who died and the home was left to the elements. It felt so unloved and just tatty.”

“Lots of seaweed left on the beach near the lifeboat station. Very unsightly and smelly. There is lots of beach without seaweed but why doesn't the council get it removed from that very popular area. We are local and have never seen the beach so unsightly in the many years we've been coming here regularly winter and summer.”

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