The WalesOnline rugby referee quiz

Oi, ref! The Rugby World Cup is here - see if you can pass our rugby rules test

1. Let’s get underway. From kick-off, how many metres must the ball travel?

2. A player from the defending team tackles the opposition attacker and holds onto him in the ruck. What should you do next?

3. An attacker is approaching the try-line carrying the ball. A defender knocks the ball dead illegally, preventing the attacker from easily grounding the ball. What should you award?

4. An attacking player kicks forward to assist a try but you notice the ball comes off his knee. What should you do next?

5. What is the minimum number of people required to form a lineout?

6. From a kick-off, a player on the receiving team catches the ball in the air, before it touches the ground, inside their own 22-metre line. As they do so, they call ‘mark!’. Is this legal?

7. A player takes a conversion that looks likely to just make it over. While the ball is in the air, the defending team run in front of the posts and form a lineout-style lift to knock the ball away, preventing a successful conversion. What should be awarded?

8. A player on the attacking team (Team A) looks to kick the ball upfield, but it hits the referee in the back and falls into the hands of a player on the defending team (Team B), who then launches a counter-attack. What should the referee do in this situation?

9. A defender (Team A) and attacker (Team B) are both chasing a ball that has bounced into Team A’s in-goal. They both get a hand to the ball at the same time, but even after video replays and TMO analysis, there is doubt about which team grounded it in-goal first. What should the referee do?

10. A player scores a dramatic late try in the corner, but as he dives over the line, his foot hits the corner flag. The first time he touches the ground is in-goal. What should the referee do?

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