Irish geography quiz

How well do you really know Ireland? From coastlines to the highest peak, test your knowledge with our Irish geography quiz!

1. The Irish for river is ‘abhainn’. What is the longest river in Ireland?

2. Standing at 1,038m tall - or 3,407 feet - what is Ireland’s highest peak?

3. Spanning 7,457 km² - or 2879 square miles - what is the largest county in Ireland by area?

4. On the opposite end of the spectrum, what is the smallest county in Ireland, at just 820 km² (317 square miles)?

5. The largest lake in Ireland also happens to be the largest lake anywhere in the islands of Britain and Ireland, covering 396 km² (153 square miles). What is it?

6. With a coastline of almost 80 miles, what is the largest island off Ireland?

7. Just one county in Ireland shares a border with eight other counties - making it the one with the most neighbors. Which one is it?

8. What county in Ireland has the shortest coastline, at just 3 miles?

9. What is mainland Ireland’s most northerly point?

10. There is only one cable car in Ireland, and it connects an island to the mainland. Where is it?

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