Are you a true Bristolian?

See how many of these Bristol phrases you know!

1. What are these called?

2. What does this typical Bristolian phrase mean? “I'd be aff up the incline by now"

3. Which word would a Bristolian use to describe snow which has settled?

4. Which word would a Bristolian commonly use to describe stroking a pet, such as a cat or dog?

5. If a Bristolian refers to a ‘slider’ what do they typically mean?

6. Which surprising word do Bristolians use to describe someone as being really good at something?

7. In Bristol what is a ‘scrage’?

8. If someone at school described you as a “jitter” how would you describe yourself?

9. If a Bristolian referred to a “topper” what would they most likely mean?

10. We all know the most common definition of “dogging” but what does it often mean in Bristol?

11. If someone at school described you as a “keener” how would you describe yourself?

12. In Bristol, what’s a glider?

13. What kind of insect is a jasper?

14. How would you typically say thanks to a bus driver in Bristol?

15. If a Bristolian described themselves as “hanging” how are they likely to be feeling?

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